Professional Development and Leadership
Calendar of Events
The Texas Collaborative will begin hosting professional development events in Fall 2002. Both Collaborative events and other statewide professional development events will be listed here.
OCTOBER 2002        
October 2–4, 2002     Austin, TX
October 2–5, 2002     Philadelphia, PA
October 2-5, 2002   National Tech Prep Network Annual Conference   Cincinnati
October 8, 2002   STARLINK Live Satellite Teleconference: "Teaching Strategies for ESOL Faculty"    
October 17, 2002   Dallas Telelearning teleconference: "Critical Challenges in Distance Education: A.D.A. Issues and Requirements"    
October 20-22, 2002   National Council for Workforce Education Annual Conference   Portland
October 23, 2002     Austin, TX
Oct. 31–
Nov. 2, 2002
Community College Humanities Association (CCHA) Southwestern Regional Conference: We Love to Tell the Story: Sharing the Humanities
  Hot Springs, AR
NOVEMBER 2002        
November 3–6, 2002  
National Council of Instructional Administrators (NCIA) Southeast Round-Up
  Biloxi, MS
November 12, 2002   STARLINK Live Satellite Teleconference: "Ideas for Evaluating Online Course: Pre and Post"    
FEBRUARY 2003        
February 20–22, 2003     Austin, TX
February 21, 2003   STARLINK Live Satellite Teleconference: "Civility in the Classroom"    
MARCH 2003        
March 26–28, 2003   Texas Association of College Technical Educators (TACTE) Conference    Austin, TX
APRIL 2003        
April 5–8, 2003     Dallas, TX
April 25, 2003   STARLINK Live Satellite Teleconference: "Retirement Planning for Educational Employees"    

© Texas Collaborative for Teaching Excellence
Developed by CORD, 2002