Promoting Student Success
Through Technology
A Workshop
of the Texas Collaborative
for Teaching Excellence
Co-sponsored by the
Online Student Services at Every College Project
July 20, 2006
Del Mar College, White Library, 4th Floor
101 Baldwin Blvd., Corpus
Christi, Texas
Program: 8:00 a.m. – 4:00 p.m.
Designed for all faculty,
facilitators, and trainers
at Texas community colleges
is required but there is NO workshop fee.
Register with Bennie
Clark at [email protected]
Note: Bayfront Plaza Hotel (800-246-8357)has
a limited amount of rooms available
for you at $70 a night but you must reserve these before June 26th...
ask for Coastal Bend College Beeville when making
the reservations.
a.m. |
401 |
Tutoring Services
Clark, St. Petersburg College, Seminole,
FL |
Record of Success in Math
Harris, Addison Wesley Publishers
Eric Moller, Del Mar College,
CC, TX |
433 |
Primo, North Harris College, Houston,
TX |
for Lunch |
434 |
Security Technology
Matutis, Northwest College, Houston,
Manuel Perez, SWTJC, Eagle
Pass, TX
Course Scheduling
Smith, Comquip, Inc., West Chester, PA
432 |
Meeting Student Disability Needs
Slimp, Northeast Texas Consortium of Colleges/Universities,
Tyler, TX
Disability Perspectives in Online Environment
Jean Brand, Houston CC-Northwest, Houston, TX
11:30 – 12:30
(Door prize drawings)
12:30 – 3:30
BREAKOUT SESSIONS- (See table below)
p.m. |
401 |
Podcasting 101
Getchell, Del Mar College, Corpus Christi, TX
Camtasia ™
Frank Jones, Third Coast Learning, Corpus Christi, TX |
433 |
WebCT Support Groups Panel Discussion
Garcia, Luis Vasquez & Jerry
Sifuentes, Laredo Community College, Laredo,
Maricela Garcia and Michelle Duran, STCC, McAllen, TX
Snack |
434 |
New at Texas Instruments
Martinez, Texas Instruments, Brownsville, TX
Apreso™ Capturing
Gawlikowski, Anystream, Inc., Katy, TX
432 |
Electronic Portfolios
Raney, Nuventive, Allison Park, PA
Hybrid Fast Track
Brazier, Northeast Texas CC, Mount Pleasant, TX
3:30 – 4:00
prize drawing FOR iPOD Shuffle)
8:30-10:00 a.m. |
Tutoring Services- 24/7 instructional support for math
and writing students via the web. St. Petersburg
College was awarded a Title III grant in 2004 that encouraged
faculty-designed projects with the goal to improve student
retention in developmental studies. The presented project
implements online teaching and tutoring services by SMARTHINKING™ designed
to increase expanded access to individualized instructional
support delivered at the teachable moment for the students
served in these classes. Evidence has shown that students using
SMARTHINKING™ for intervention showed more success in
their respective courses than those who did not use the services.
Participants will be show key features of the SMARTHINKING™ services,
given the opportunity to interact with the services, shown
how the services can be implemented into the disciplines, given
information and materials that pertain to implementation and
provided successful implementation practices in math and writing
PowerPoint-Engaging Students with Multimedia. In this session you will actively participate in
an honest discussion of the advantages, disadvantages, and
real life issues and problems of creating multimedia to engage
students in learning. This fully interactive multimedia session
includes interviews and samples of multimedia projects created
and used by professors in the classroom. The participant will
experience and identify different approaches to implementing
multimedia for content delivery, identify the serious real
life problems and issues when dealing with the development
of custom designed multimedia, discuss different realistic
approaches to empowered faculty to develop custom designed
multimedia for classroom use, and encouraged to exchange information
to created an informal network to exchange and foster ideas
to develop support systems for faculty interested in the use
of multimedia options. |
Security Technology. This session describes the
need for, and the collaborative development effort of the
wireless security technology curriculum. Wireless technologies
encompass a broad range of devices from smart radio communication
systems to the ubiquitous household wireless router. In this
session, the respective configurations for SOHO (small office/home
office) type devices are given. Some of those configurations
will be meant for regular household use, others are geared
more towards a production environment. Pertinent options
for securing and maintaining them are provided. |
Student Disability Needs-A Tutor's Workshop-. Are
you looking for ways to assist students with learning disabilities
and other special needs? This session is a DVD based program
offering you skills and strategies for recognizing special
needs and adapting instruction accordingly. This will be
made available to all Texas community colleges this summer.
You will find resources to help you identify major categories
of learning disabilities and other special student needs,
locate websites and materials to understand more about learning
disabilities, gain strategies for working with adult learners,
under the learning process form the perspective of a student
who is disabled, and use the training materials on an individual
basis. |
a.m. |
Record of Success in Math-Online Homework, Tutorial and Assessment
with MyMathLab. With large
math enrollments and fewer resources, mathematics educators
are increasingly asked to do more with less. Addison-Wesley’s MyMathLab™ helps
instructors develop quality web-based resources for traditional,
online or hybrid classes quickly and easily. MyMathLab™ and
MathXL™, the most widely used online teaching and learning
applications for developmental and collegiate math courses, include
tutorials, homework, testing and assessment. Participants will
learn how schools have increased their success and retention
rates using MyMathLab™ and MathXL™, will how to save
time assigning and grading homework and tests as well as easily
track and manage student results, will create personalized study
plans for self-paced learning, and will learn how to create consistent
courses, content and assignments. |
Course Scheduling-Current day technology affords community
colleges the opportunity to generate and communicate course
schedules with extraordinary efficiency. IQ.Session® is
a product solution that runs on your PC network on a SQL server
or Oracle database, that integrates with your existing administrative
system, that produces optimal schedules, that generates clear
schedule reports for viewing, printing or web posting, and that
generates comprehensive performance reports. |
Perspectives in Online Environments-Things That Go Bump. In this session, faculty using online delivery
systems will gain a better understanding of what adaptive software
and hardware students use when accessing online classes to better
assist those students and help other students as well. Participants
will learn what software that students who need accommodations
use to access online materials, why it is important for faculty
to understand how students access online classes, understand
what problems assistive technologies can cause, how to pre-plan
courses to accommodate these students, and see live demos of
common assistive software used. |
p.m. |
101-Introduciton, Creation and Use of Podcasts in the Classroom. This highly interactive session
deals with podcasts, podcasting and their use in any classroom
environment. Participants will learn what a podcast is, how it
is created, how it is used in both seat-based and web-based classrooms,
what tools are needed to create it, and how to publish it to
the web or to an online course in a web-based classroom. During
the last part of the session, participants will create a podcast,
edit it using free downloadable audio software, and then publish
it to both a website and to a web-based course. |
Support Groups Panel Discussion-Providing a Good Structure
for the Delivery of Online Courses. This workshop
is being presented by the Prescription for Effective Retention
(Rx for ER) WebCT Support Group which consists of distance learning
technology experts from over 9 community colleges. The workshop
will presents options for distance learning instructors, and
administrators to undertake for building an efficient and effective
platform for delivering online courses. A series of short topics
will be covered to generate questions from the audience. A panel
of experts from different colleges will be assembled to provide
a question and answer session. Topics covered are:
- Demonstration
of WebCT version 6.
- Faculty
transition training for delivering effective online courses
in WebCT CE6.
- Ensuring
effective quality control for online courses.
- Best
practices for delivering effective online testing, and
maintaining course integrity.
packed with resources will be provided for participants
to take home. |
What’s New at Texas Instruments. Come experience
the latest offerings from Texas Instruments for Math and Science
students. Learn ways to integrate multiple technologies. TI-Navigator
enables instructors to see who’s getting it and who’s
not with real-time formative assessment capability that can lead
to higher student achievement. It seamlessly integrates with
TI Graphing calculators in classrooms via wireless communications.
TI-SmartView emulator is an easy-to-use demonstration tool for
leading the classroom instruction of math and science concepts.
Based on the popular TI-84 Plus family of graphing calculators,
the TI-SmartView emulator complements classroom calculators by
displaying an interactive representation of the calculator, plus
offers many unique instructional capabilities. |
Portfolios-Linking Community Colleges and Employer Partners.
Electron portfolios hold the promise for creating a common
electronic ecosystem linking Colleges and their employer partners.
Nuventive™’s iWebFolio electronic
portfolio management system allows schools to have a common framework
for competency definition and management that is shared within
a school or system and with the key members of the community.
In this session you will see a demo of this system that shows
portfolios built from templates stored in a common library that
everyone in the system uses to track and manage competiencies,
and competency tracking based on rubrics with full reporting
features. |
p.m. |
Camtasia™-Enhance Classroom and Online Presentations.
Recognizing that students possess different learning styles,
Camtasia™ allows
faculty to develop multimedia presentations for both classroom
and online use. This session will consist of short sample presentations
to demo some of the possible uses, a short tour of the Camtasia™ website,
and a chance to create a Camtasia™ presentation. Participants
will be able to enhance their presentations, provide a means
of clarifying content, accommodate various learning styles, utilize
various multimedia tools, and create a short presentation. |
Apreso™ Classroom-Lecture Capture and Web
Publishing System. Apreso™ Classroom is the first fully
automated lecture capture and web publishing software solution
for higher education. It automatically captures audio, video
and course content and creates a rich media version of the lecture
for students to review online via their course management systems.
Called a TiVo for the Classroom, it delivers high quality, synchronized,
real time lecture content at less that $5,000 per classroom.
Benefits are complete automation that eliminates the need for
faculty/staff training, automated Podcasting, students significantly
increase comprehension and reduce attrition rates, students can
review anytime anywhere, and faculty have better use of classroom
time and office hours. |
Fast Track-A Degree Revolution. Miss that
face-to-face time with your online students? Come learn how to
develop, implement and deliver a successful hybrid program in
your area. This session will teach participants how lecture and
online delivery formats are combined in a structured learning
environment, how to aid in student enrollment and retention,
how to gain support and approval from administrators, faculty
and community members, how to partner with business and industry
in targeting your audience, how to implement a hybrid program
and track results, and how to use financial resources to launch
a successful program. |