Overview and Objectives
Main Topic
Subtopic 1:
Beta-hemolytic Streptococci
1.1, 1.2, 1.3
  Subtopic 1 Summary
Subtopic 2: Alpha-hemolytic streptococci
  Activity 2
  Subtopic 2 Summary
Subtopic 3: Gamma Streptococci
3.1, 3.2
  Subtopic 3 Summary
Module Summary

Module Developer

User Evaluation Form

Module Overview and Objectives

I. Module Overview

A. Purpose Statement—The purpose of this module is to provide an in-depth study of Streptococcus and to develop an understanding of specific techniques used to identify these organisms in the clinical laboratory setting.

B. Learning and Teaching Methodology—The Streptococcus module is designed so it can apply to various modes of learning delivery methods. The learning activities may be used as support to a course in the traditional classroom setting or as an additional resource. The material can be used for continuing education purposes or integrated into the classroom for medical laboratory training programs. Activities and assessments are varied to adapt to different applications.

II. Module Objectives

A. Expectations

  • To isolate and identify Streptococcus species using appropriate testing methodologies and procedures.

  • Determine clinical significance of test results and report findings in the clinical laboratory setting.

B. Instructor
  1. The Streptococcus module may be used as a supplement to the classroom or online course. It is not fully designed to be used as a stand alone module. The instructor may want to further detail and discuss certain topics along with presenting hands on laboratory techniques.

  2. This module is designed to teach from a broad spectrum overview of Streptococcus to a very specific identification process. The subtopics need to be followed in specific order. The time frame for completing this module should not exceed two weeks. This includes all laboratory assignments and activities.

  3. Procedures may be modified dependent upon budget considerations. Media may be prepared instead of purchased commercially. Gram stains may be viewed on internet sources instead of actually performing that particular lab.

  4. Future modules may be created on other Genus such as Staphylococcus, Enterococcus, Enterobacteriaceae, etc.

C. Student
  1. The student will be expected to work well with others. Laboratory assignments and case studies will be a team based effort.

  2. Objectives and assignments will be outlined for the student. Standard operating procedures for the laboratory will be followed for each test performed. Test principles will be included in the procedure.

  3. The information in this module can be used to investigate bacterial elements in food and water for research from a non-health related view or in the clinical setting for identification of certain bacteria for diagnostic purposes. This information can also be used as statistical data for the general public. For example, perform a study to determine the incidences of Strep throat infections among children attending kindergarten.