Professional Development Planning
Tools for Community College Administrators

The Texas Collaborative's planning tools for college administrators comprise a three-step process. Each tool (step) is listed below as well as the approximate time it may take you to complete the individual steps. The process will work most effectively if you complete the steps in the order in which they are listed.

Step I- Identifying and Analyzing Your Institution’s Demographics
Approximate time to complete: 5-15 minutes, depending on the type of demographics you choose to examine
Step II- Analyzing Your Current Professional Development Program and Identifying Desired Goals
Approximate time to complete: 10-20 minutes, depending on knowledge of current professional development activities and requirements at your college
Step III- Goal Setting and Budgeting Worksheets
Approximate time to complete: Will vary. Worksheet templates in both Adobe Acrobat and Microsoft Word format are available for download. You may choose to complete the worksheets on your own or assemble a staff team and complete them as a group.



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Copyright 2007, Texas Collaborative for Teaching Excellence
This project was funded by the Carl D. Perkins Career and Technical Education Act through the Texas Higher Education Coordinating Board.
Fiscal Agent: Del Mar College. Website maintained by CORD.
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