"There is more to being a good instructor than having
students, books and a room!"

A Train-the Trainer Worskhop
Sponsored by the
Center for the Advancement of Process Technology

August 23, 2003 
9:00 a.m. - 4:00 p.m.
College of the Mainland, Texas City

Presented by:
Dr. John H. Reed, President - The Learning Business, L.L.C.
Enrollment limited to the first 40 individuals that register.

Dr. Reed holds a PhD in Training and Development, a Masters in Teaching and an MBA. He has more than 30 years of experience working for top Fortune corporations in management and professional positions in training, financial, organizational and computer systems coordination, analysis and design. He is currently a senior instructor and instructor mentor in the graduate business program for the University of Phoenix. He previously served as an instructor and course administrator in the military.

Topics that will be covered in the workshop are:

  • Learning Styles - appreciating, developing and capitalizing on the diversity in learning and teaching styles; includes a learning styles inventory exercise.
  • Characteristics of Adult Learners - what motivates adults to learn and how do you incorporate that in the classroom.
  • Facilitation as a Teaching and Learning Style - learning is about interaction, sharing, trying and making mistakes. Facilitation falls between lecture and self-study. Addresses the roles and responsibilities of a good classroom facilitator.
  • Key Classroom Delivery Methods - a review/discussion of the many key teaching/learning methods available to the instructor in the classroom.
  • Evaluation and Feedback - types of tests, how to write good tests and test questions, how to evaluate test questions, student feedback.
  • Lesson Plans and Syllabus’ - the syllabus as a contract, the lesson plan as a review and outline to prepare for the next class. Key components of each.
  • Preparing the Classroom - if anything can go wrong, it will: Murphy’s Law. Making sure your classroom is ready before the students get there.

Participants will receive A Guide to Classroom Instruction for Adjunct Faculty written by Dr. Reed and published by the American Chemical Society. In addition, a stipend of $60.00 will be provided to each participant who attends the entire workshop. Lunch will be provided.

A limited number of scholarships are available through the Texas Collaborative's Center for Career and Personal Development. Contact Don Bass via email for more information: [email protected].

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Developed by CORD
This site was made possible by a Carl D. Perkins Grant.