Master Teacher Course in Educational Technology

The Center for Technology in the Classroom (CTC), based at South Texas Community College, facilitates the Master Teacher Course in Educational Technology and a follow-up certification opportunity for graduates of the course. The course and certification process are designed to improve participants' educational technology skills for the purposes of ultimately enhancing student success and providing educators more professional development opportunities through advanced technologies.

The Master Teacher Course consists of six modules:

Module #1 - Course Overview (PowerPoint File.)
Module #2 - Introduction to Educational Technology
Module #3 - WebCam Technology
Module #4 - Desktop Videoconferencing
Module #5 - Advanced PowerPoint Applications
Module #6 - Web Enhancing Courses using WebCT and Blackboard

Participants can elect to complete individual modules for professional development or continuing education purposes rather than enrolling in the entire course. Modules range in length from 18 to 32 contact hours, depending on the skill level of the participant, the availability of educational technology resources, and the time required to complete learning objectives and hands-on activities.

The Master Teacher Course in Educational Technology is self-paced and is delivered/facilitated via distance education using a PowerPoint platform. The course and individual modules are managed in a WebCT environment, although the individual modules can also be distributed on CD-ROM. The course and certification process are free of charge for Texas community and technical college educators.

If you are interested in enrolling in the course or learning more about it, please contact Dr. Mannie E. Hall Jr., CTC Director and course facilitator, via e-mail at [email protected] or download Module #1 to for a course overview.

© Texas Collaborative for Teaching Excellence, 2002-2003
Developed by CORD
This site was made possible by a Carl D. Perkins Grant.