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Subtopic 2: Activities

VoIP is a rapidly growing industry segment that allows individuals and organizations to implement telephony services over network lines. Although costs can be reduced by implementing these systems, significant issues remain. As these issues are addressed, this technology will continue to grow. Successful completion of the subtopic activities assures that students have gained an understanding of the subtopic concepts.

Activity 2.1

This activity will familiarize students with current technologies and products associated with VoIP. Students will analyze their findings, and present their conclusions.

Student Procedure

Research one major corporation offering VoIP services.
Compare the capabilities and costs of this service vs. traditional telephony service.
Present your findings in a short presentation

Student Self-Assessment

Students will be able to self assess their comprehension of the subtopic based on the quality of their research. Further assessment may be gauged via group discussion.

Instructor Information

Activity level of difficulty: Beginner
Suggested teaching strategies: Instructor should lead students to identify companies offering VoIP services.
Assessment: Instructors should gauge the thoroughness and variety of information identified when performing their assessment of this student activity: Students should share their findings with classmates.

Activity 2.2

This activity will familiarize students with the issues associated with implementing emergency 911 service on VoIP systems. Students will perform research, analyze their findings, and present their conclusions.

Student Procedure
Research the issues associated with implementing emergency 911 service on VoIP systems.
Why is the issue important?
What are some solutions?

Student Self-Assessment

Students will be able to self assess their comprehension of the subtopic based on the quality of their research. Further assessment may be gauged via group discussion.

Instructor Information

Activity level of difficulty: Intermediate
Suggested teaching strategies: This activity requires students to do further research on their own. It will also incorporate critical thinking skills in order for the students to draw conclusions.
Assessment: Instructors should assess student success based on the quality and accuracy of research performed.

Activity 2.3

This activity will familiarize students with real world real world implementation of enterprise VoIP systems.

Student Procedure
Research a real world implementation of an enterprise level VoIP implementation.
Develop a comprehensive diagram of the system implementation.
Explain how the system has benefited the organization.

Student Self-Assessment

Students will be able to self assess their comprehension of the subtopic based on the quality of their research. Further assessment may be gauged via group discussion.

Instructor Information

Activity level of difficulty: Advanced
Suggested teaching strategies: This activity requires students to do further research on their own. It will also incorporate critical thinking skills in order for the students to draw conclusions. Instructor may identify current systems for students to research and provide example systems for study.
Assessment: Instructors should assess student success based on the quality of research performed and diagram developed.