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Subtopic 3: Activities

Wireless communications is a vital component of convergence technology.  Without ubiquitous communications, convergence technologies would be unreliable.  Wi-Fi and Bluetooth allow devices to communicate without physical connections between them.

Activity 3.1

Communications standards change and evolve over time. This activity will allow the student to research and understand this process.

Student Procedure

Several versions of Bluetooth exist.
Research the various iterations of this technology since its inception.
Write a short history of Bluetooth.

Student Self-Assessment

Students will be able to self assess their comprehension of the subtopic based on the quality of their research. Further assessment may be gauged via group discussion.

Instructor Information

Activity level of difficulty: Beginner
Suggested teaching strategies: While this activity requires students to do further research on their own, the subject is well documented. Instructors could identify resources for students to use while performing this activity.
Assessment: Instructors should assess student success based on the quality of research performed and the finished document.

Activity 3.2

Bluetooth devices communicate by setting up a master-slave relationship with each other. This activity will familiarize students with the automated process these devices follow. Students will perform research, analyze their findings, and present their conclusions.

Student Procedure

Research the process that Bluetooth devices follow to initiate communications.
Write a brief description of this process.

Student Self-Assessment

Students will be able to self assess their comprehension of the subtopic based on the quality of their research. Further assessment may be gauged via group discussion.

Instructor Information

Activity level of difficulty: Intermediate
Suggested teaching strategies: While this activity requires students to do further research on their own, the subject is well documented. Instructors could identify resources for students to use while performing this activity.
Assessment: Instructors should assess student success based on the quality of research performed.

Activity 3.3

Security issues plague wireless technologies. There are several security standards allowed by Wi-Fi. Two of these are Wired Equivalent Privacy (WEP) and Wi-Fi Protected Access (WPA). This exercise will familiarize students with these standards and their differences.

Student Procedure

Research the two wireless security standards called Wired Equivalent Privacy (WEP) and Wi-Fi Protected Access (WPA).
Compare and contrast them.

Student Self-Assessment

Students will be able to self assess their comprehension of the subtopic based on the quality of their research. Further assessment may be gauged via group discussion.

Instructor Information

Activity level of difficulty: Intermediate
Suggested teaching strategies: This activity requires students to do further research on their own. Instructors could identify resources for students to use while performing this activity.
Assessment: Instructors should assess student success based on the quality of research performed and conclusions drawn.